Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Sell Amps Guitars

Sell homemade guitar Amps, created as a hobby. The size of the amp guitars this 10 X 7.5 cm box made of plastic, there is a speaker inside, could use a 9v battery or adapter.  

The idea of making this from some amps guitars site circuit electronic. Very simply not as good as made in factories but enough to be used by beginners. The sound quality is also pretty, for the hobby alone. 

Free Download (Gratis) Software PCB

Free Download (Gratis) Software PCB 
Kebetulan kerena saya sering browsing cari software ada beberapa situs yang sangat menarik untuk dibaca yaitu situs software membuat PCB, dari beberapa situs itu juga boleh download gratis software untuk membuat PCB. Cara mudah membuat pcb bisa saja hanya menggunakan spidol tahan air saja, tetapi hasilnya kurang